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Classmate Profiles (1979)
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Irene Adams
Sammy Allen
Nancy Appl
Dorothy Applegate
Ana Artiles (Ash)
Jane Barber
Jane Betzen
Cecilia Bickford (Goebel)
Sonita Bishop
Dorothy Bolin
Teresa Boone (Neff)
Brian Bowzer
Carla Boyd
Marcie Bradley
Jill Burris (Lee)
Maura Burroughs
Cleda Byrum
Nancy Carpenter
Anna Carter
Cynthia Collins
Kathy Conley (Henderson)
Rose Coon
Carolyn Covey
Clinton Dawson
John Deardoff
Jane DeClue (Wendell)
Rhonda Dick
Daniel Doherty
John Doll
Joyce Durler
Lesa Edwards
Wilma Elder
Mark Fisher
John Ford
Bryan Foreman
Michael Fortin
Neletta Fredelake
Cynthia Gilbert
Darlene Gillan
Gaylen Goldston
Jacqueline Gordon
Laura Graves (Nittler)
Paula Green
Janet Guier
Arthur Haibon
Phyllis Haibon
Kenneth Hall
Cynthia Hammond
Mary Harbert
Maylene Harder
Marcie Harris (Charles)
Walter Haslem
Betty Henry
Trudy Hobbs
Gerard Holinde
Michael Hornung
Dana Howard
Kathy Hughes
Carolyn Ihloff (Tarman)
Eva Immenschuh
Margaret Jennings
Dorothy Johnson
Francine Kaye (Fortin)
John Kier
Jeffery Kincaid
Richard Kinkelaar
David Kirchman
William Klenke
Iris Kline
Margaret Knoll
Mary Katherine Koons (White)
Paula Korbe
Mia Korbelik
Joseph Kuttler
Celeste Lee
Pete Lungwitz
Marlene Lyall
Jeanne Martin
Sally Mascorro
Matthew McKee (Mckee)
Teresa Merrifield
Stephanie Merrill
David Milford
Ellen Moeder (Albert)
Carol Moherman (Good)
Wendy Mosiman
Deanna Myers
Ivan Myers
Cindia Nett
Kathy Oberhelman
Frances Odgers
Marlene Panning
Yvonne Parr
James Pearce
Mary Peterson
Beverly Pinell
Jerri Powell
Geralyn Powers
Lois Rahal
Jerry Rakes
Robbie Ready
Cheryl Ricke (Grodecki)
Terrance Riebel
Susan Robson
Dennis Sander
Craig Schomaker
Dallas Scothorn
Virginia Sheets
Samuel Shipley
Clyde Simon
Tommy Simpson
Evelyn Smith
Susan Smith
Kathryn Snell
Margaret Stephens
Rita Stephens
Joseph Stramel
Leslie Swip
Teresa Thimmesch
Donald Thomas
Donald Tieperman
Angela Tomayko (DiTommaso)
Susan Townsend
Claude Trujillo
Joe Tschirhart
Jill Ungles
Denise Veith
Peggy Volker
Debra Webb (Bush)
Jane Weilert
Ellen Williams
Bradford Yaeger
Janice Yaeger
Pamela Zipfel
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