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Mary Anne Abraham (Visnick)
Louis J. Agnese
Victor Amaro
Theresa (Terri) Armstrong/Hopper
Anne Avegno
Hope Avila
Janet Bailey
Rodney Bailey
Timothy Baker
Dennis Balthazor
James Baska
Gilbert Benton
Marjorie Berry
Patrick Berry
Billie Biel
Frank Billack
Donna Bolmer
Donald Bradley
Thomas Brady
Cathy Brock
Theresa Brock
Karen Brown
Nora Brown
Duane Brumbaugh
Laurine Cavanaugh
Mary Chervenka
Charlotte Clevenger
Kelly Cooper
Cordell Cunningham
Margaret DeBey
Gregory Del Giudice
Justin Demel
Glenn Dohrmann
JaDeanna Farris
Anthony Fittizzi
Ardath Fowler
Dennis Fowler
James Frank
Joseph Garletts
Janice Gassen
James Gerrity
Tamara Gibson
Carolyn Greer
Shirley Griffith
Tony Guenthner
Benny Guerrero
Joseph Hahn
Rhonda Hall
Ben Hart
John Hartman III
Lois Harvey
David Hawkins
Gary Heiland
Shannon Helfrich (Smith)
Janet Herrman
Susan Herrman
Virginia Hoernig
Eileen Holloran (DiGerolamo)
Morgan Holmes
Theresa Horak
Irene Hornung
John Hummel
Michaeline Huston (Agnese)
Edward Jilka
Robert Johnson
Joy Kahmeyer
Thomas Karsten (Karsten)
Valerie Kasselman
Judith Kelley
Patricia Kelly
John Kester
Barney Korbelik
Don Kremer
Marilyn Kroeger
Toni Kultoljinda
Bob Kumpa
Jeannette Kyle
Ronald Lang
Shirley Letourneau
Maurice Linden
Penny Lorwatanapongsa
Elizabeth Lyke
Raynetta Manweiler
Carol Martin (Pauly)
Robert McDaniel
Eugene McElroy
Patrick McGlinn
Robert McGregor
Dennis Meehan
Verna Miller
Mary O'Donnell
James O'Hara
Michael Pearl
Roy Piper
David Pipicelli
Charles Pipkin
Kathy Ramsour
Joan Reichenberger
Barbara Reilly
Carol Reinert
Wayne Rethman
Sara Ridge
Annette Rinaldi
Kenneth Rueb
Ken Schuette
Vicki Schwartz
Gary Scott
Mary Severin
Warren Shaull
Tom Sieve
Harold Siglar
James Smith
John "Gill" Smith
Victoria Smith
Alan Sortore
Laura Spence (Paulsen)
Stanley Stachura
Bruce Stockman
Shirley Streiff
Jim Streit
Eva Stude
Kenneth Sutherland
Nancy Thomas
Katherine Thompson
D. Michael Tuohy
John Tweedy
Loretta Van Westen
Ricardo Vieyra
Mark VonLeonrod
Tamaura Walker
Sr. Teri Wall Op
Alfred Weigel (Weigel)
Peter Weil
Susan Wilborne
Carolee Wise
Delise "Kay" Young
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