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Sr. Leonida Linnebur
Treva * Bachand
Carol * Bedwell
Mary Jane * Bernasky (Embree)
Gloria * Blea
Farrel * Bleumer
Delmar * Brady
Linda * Cartwright
Eloise * Conrady
Ladonna * Conrady
Sr. Marietta * Conrardy…
Jean * Demuth
Patricia * Dinkel/Gerstner
Frank * Donohue
Dennis * Droste
Delores * Frerich
Terrence * Gleason
Consuelo * Gonzalez
Theodore * Groke
Leslie * Habiger
Janet * Hacker
Kathy * Heinemann
Mary * Hinkle
Christine * Hirsh (Wright)
Gary * Kerkhoff
Norma * Kliesen
Dianne * Lawrence
Mary Ann * Liebl
Coletta * Lutz (Cicccarelli)
Paula * McCreight
Tim * McDaniel
Kathleen * McElgunn
Bill * Nixon
Jaima * Olivarez
Eloise * Reynolds
Dorothy * Reznik (Perkins)
Edna * Ricker
Roy * Riedlinger
Jean * Schaapveld (Fugleberg)
Frances * Smith
Sally * Stowell
Mike * Straight
William J * Tepe
Lee * Triplett
Melva * Triplett
Jerilyn * Truan (Esfeld)
Margaret * Turner
Ellen * Vap
Agnes * Walsh
Leonard * Weilert
Mary * Woodworth
Kathleen Allen
Joanna Baker
Jane Anne Beachner
Marie Bernard
Delores Boothe
Veronice Born
Rose Burger
Rosemary Casey (Freund)
Mary Cordes (Hopp)
Carol Cox (Leech)
Joseph Dwyer
Jocile Fisher
Carolyn Forbes
Patrick Forbes
Helen Ford
Thomas Glatt
Judith Jones
Mary Kelly
Phyllis Koehler
Nancy Kranz
Larry Lanzrath
Harry Martin
Florence Means
Virginia Miller
Sandra Nixon
Vern Piantanida
Joseph Ramsey
Natividad Salazar
Marianna Schmitz
Barbara Shepherd
Gary Smith
Joyce Stackert
Sr. Mary Alma Stein
Judith Stoural
Theresa Switlik (Yoder)
Johana Tasset (Baker)
Mary Theis
Gary Thesing (Thesing)
Rosina Van Leeuwen
John Wahlmeier
Teresa Waner
Alice Wiggins
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