Classmate Profiles (1957)

     User has created a profile: 8
     In Memory: 34
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 34
     Military Service: 5
   Restricted to alumni only


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Edward * Bergkamp    
Richard * Bogner     
Dwane * Brady    
Konnie * Buehne (Williams)  
William * Burton     
Dixie * Carothers    
Julianne * Cheney
Carole * Coombes
Donna * Crouch
Carolyn * Davis    
James * DeShon    
Neil * Dinges    
Ursula * Foreman
David * Hacker    
Leroy * Hardin
Wilfred * Helfrich    
Joan * Indiek
Janet * Irsik (Kliesen)   
Bernie * Keenan    
John * Keenan    
Anita * Kirmer
James * Klenke
Stanley * Kliesen    
Carmelita * Lane/Robles   
John * Lee
Robert * Levings
Carmon * Lix    
Leroy * Lutz     
Robert * Lutz    
Annette * Mapes
Gerald "Mac" * McElgunn    
Peggy * McElgunn
Ronald * Meng
Mary * Miles
Adrian * Milford  
James * Moorman    
Melvin * Mullinex    
Henry * Nieto
Deanne * Prochaska
Carol * Reilly    
Janice * Riedlinger    
Ken * Riedlinger
Karen * Rohar
Sharon * Rohar    
Gary * Rupp
Rosalie * Salm
Bernie * Schampel (Wasinger)    
John * Sheehan
Glenice * Shepherd
John * Shepherd
Mary * Sims
Karen * Steiner
Mary * Talley
Robert * Tharp
Sue * Tolfa
Anna * Littleton   
Martha * Scherr   
Robert Barker    
Helen Barrett
Ann Breece    
Phyllis Davis
Bea Drouhard    
Janice Durano
Lucille Ellis
Jesse Feist    
Lois Gaug
Laura Glasspoole
Gertrude Grabs
Carole Hartong
Marvin Hattrup
Anthony Heiland    
Ronald Herman    
Francis Hessman
Eleanor Hogan
Sylvia Hudson
Charlotte Husmann
Larry Irsik   
Rita Irsik    
Sherrie Lipsey
Sally McGuigan
Yvonne McMillen
Mary Emma Molitor
Mary Earle O'Neal
Timothy Peters
Ben Phillips     
Bill Rebein    
Betty Redwinski
Ronald Reinert    
Diana Ridder
James Salmans
Marie Stasa
Phil Strong    
Jack Swartz    
Larry Tenbrink
Glenn Torline
Dolores Vasquez

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